19 August 2019
Welcome to the regular Update on planning issues.
Site Allocations
On 31 July 2019 WBC submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination a Site Allocations Development Planning Document that identifies land on which development will be needed in the current planning period up to 2027, or subsequently up to 2040. It was expected that WBC would have modified the earlier draft that was circulated for comment in October/ November 2018 before submitting it. Instead WBC have submitted a largely unmodified document to the Inspectorate and attached a separate list of amendments that will be made if the Inspector agrees.
The modification most likely to be of concern to Hook Heath Residents relates to the appendix to the November 2018 document in which the site GB9 north of Hook Hill Lane was allocated for green infrastructure and the adjacent site 020g for Urban land. GB9 is the area of land on the left as you drive down Hook Hill Lane from the junction with Mount Road in the direction of the railway bridge. 020g is the area of land north of that, that extends as far as Allen House Park. Both sites are bordered by the railway line in the east and by housing to the west.
The new text is a masterpiece of obfuscation. It proposes extending GB9 to include 020g, but gives no indication of the proposed future uses of the two sites (other than as green infrastructure), and fails to justify their removal from the green belt. The new text recognises that part of 020g is already developed (and hence can�t be used for green infrastructure) but does not justify the combination of two different areas or their removal from the green belt. The earlier justification was based on the need for well-defined green belt boundaries following the removal of the Saunders Lane sites from the green belt. The decision to retain the Saunders Lane sites in the green belt means that GB9 and 020g will not be isolated.
The Residents' Association has engaged a planning consultant, the same one who has helped us on a number of occasions, to make representations to the Inspector on our behalf. The exact nature of the representations will only be determined after an Inspector has been appointed and he/she has determined the scope and scale of the subsequent Hearing.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Thank you for your comments on the list of projects included in the last update. We now plan to meet with Heathlands Councillors to agree a way forward. Local Planning Applications in the Hook Heath Neighbourhood Area
Work on the new home continues to proceed quickly.
The proposal (PLAN/2018/1141) incorporating minor changes including landscaping and adding small balconies to a number of rooms was approved.
Eight applications reported in the last Update have been approved by the Council.
PLAN/2018/0829 Erection of a detached garage at South Hurstgate, Hook Heath Road.
PLAN/2018/0855 Proposed two storey front extension and removal of two existing front dormers at Pembroke Lodge, Holly Bank Road.
PLAN/2019/0022 Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans) and 7 (drainage) of PLAN/2018/0121, part single/part two storey front/side/rear extension, part single/part first floor rear extension, front porch and attached carport to vary size/area of driveway. To suit new driveway layout at The Little White House, Golf Club Road,
PLAN/2019/0185 Proposed demolition of the existing detached garage and annexe and erection of a single storey side and part two storey rear extensions. Proposed two storey front porch extension at September Lodge, Mile Path.
PLAN/2019/0250 Proposed erection of a timber garage with woodstore at Fermo, Blackbridge Road.
PLAN/2019/0293 Proposed single storey rear extension and new detached garage at Agnes House, Pond Road.
PLAN/2019/0343 Erect three single storey extensions at Greys Residential Home, Hook Heath Road.
PLAN/2019/0400 Proposed single storey rear extension at Pine Lodge, Hook Heath Road. One planning application has been allowed on appeal.
PLAN/2018/0801 Erection of a two storey detached house following demolition of existing garage on land at South Hurstgate, Hook Heath Road. We wrote to object on the grounds that the plot size would be too small and that the ratio of house footprint to plot size too large. The planning officer agreed with our observations on plot size. However, on appeal, the inspector allowed the application, apparently on the basis that the small size of the plot would not be visible from public vantage points.
One planning application listed in the last Update was rejected.
PLAN/2019/0292 Erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings together with alterations to vehicular access and parking arrangements following demolition of existing bungalow at Belfairs, Pond Road. The planning officer thought that the proposal would result in an incongruous form of development that would not fit with the surrounding area. One new planning application has been rejected.
PLAN/2019/0446 Proposed part single part two storey side extension and single storey front extension at Updown House, Hook Heath Road.
The planning officer thought that the size of the proposed extensions was inappropriate for a house in the green belt. The Development Management Policies DPD states that for extensions to properties in the green belt, 'the expectation is that to be acceptable, proposals will be within the range of 20-40% above the original volume of the building'. This was 46%.
One planning application listed in the last Update is still undecided.
PLAN/2018/0798 Erection of a two storey, three bedroom detached building on land south of Little Ponds, Mount Road and associated vehicular access, parking and landscaping. We wrote to object on the grounds that the plot sizes did not comply with the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan. Four planning applications have been submitted and approved since the last update.
PLAN/2019/0515 Proposed single storey side extension at 25 Allen House Park.
Proposed single storey extension and roof alteration to existing garage at 1, Hook Hill Park.
PLAN/2019/0562 Proposed demolition of 3 bay garage and erection of a 4 bay garage at Winding Wood, Mile Path.
PLAN/2019/0579 Proposed two storey rear extension and miscellaneous rear ground floor alterations at Brittoncot, Holly Bank Road.
There are six new planning applications which are currently undecided.
PLAN/2018/1335 Outline planning application for the demolition of the existing bungalow and the erection of 2x two-storey three bedroom dwellings with double garages using existing accesses from Cedar Road with the access arrangements to be determined at the outline stage at Red Lodge, Cedar Road.
The HHRA has written to object because of the small narrow plots and the consequent impact on the street scene.
PLAN/2019/0548 Proposed conversion of garage into habitable accommodation at Saketha, Golf Club Road.
PLAN/2019/0673 Proposed two storey side extension and single storey front infill extension following demolition of the existing garage and store. Internal and external alterations at Heath Cottage, The Drive.
PLAN/2019/0694 Proposed 2no. velux windows in roof at Cumballa, Holly Bank Road.
PLAN/2019/0713 Proposed extension to the existing maintenance yard with new single water tank and pump house following removal of two existing water storage tanks at Woking Golf Club, Pond Road.
PLAN/2019/0756 Proposed two storey side and single storey rear extension and new highway access at Turaco House, Hook Heath Avenue. We have written to object, not to the extension itself, but to the proposed highway access which does not comply with policy OS2 of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Certificates of Proposed Lawful Development
Two applications for Certificates of Lawful Development have been submitted. One has been approved and one is undecided.
PLAN/2019/0258 Certificate of proposed lawful development for a loft conversion with side and rear dormers at The Rosery, Mile Path. (approved)
PLAN/2019/0810 Certificate of proposed lawful development for a single storey rear extension at Langford Lodge, Hook Hill Lane. (undecided)
Notice of AGM and EGM
We are required by our constitution to hold an annual AGM. The Forum�s officers: David Dare, vice chairman; Heather Mustard, secretary; Gerald Griffiths, treasurer; and myself offer ourselves for re-election. The AGM will be held with the HHRA AGM at 19:00 for 19:30 on Monday 7th October at Woking Golf Club, Pond Road and all members of the Forum are welcome to attend, but if you are not a paid up member of the HHRA you will need to inform the secretary at least 48 hours in advance so that your name can be added to the list.
Extraordinary General Meeting
The designation of a Neighbourhood Forum lasts for five years and so our designation has expired. This means that we cannot make changes to the Neighbourhood Plan (should we want to) and we are no longer statutory consultees as far as Woking Borough Council are concerned. Neither is currently a problem but to avoid issues later we have decided to seek redesignation of the Hook Heath Neighbourhood Forum for another five years; to do this we need to submit a request to Woking Borough Council similar to the original with a copy of our constitution.
The original constitution was written with a focus on writing a Neighbourhood Plan, whereas the main tasks now are its maintenance and ensuring compliance. We have therefore produced a draft of an updated constitution with the objective of writing a Neighbourhood Plan removed and some minor changes to bring it up-to-date. Other Neighbourhood Areas have already been redesignated so we won�t be the first. To change the constitution we require an Extraordinary General Meeting so that will be held at the same time as the AGM. The new draft is attached and we hope to get it approved at the EGM.
Hook Heath Residents� Association Committee
Following the death of Jean Dare, the HHRA Committee has vacancies for anyone interested in joining. If you are interested in learning more then please get in touch with any member of the Committee.
Many thanks for your interest and support.
Mike Cooke, Chairman
On behalf of the Hook Heath Neighbourhood Forum Management
The previous constitution of the Hook Heath Neighbourhood Forum (the Forum) was adopted in June 2014. The main objective of the Forum was to create a Neighbourhood Plan. This was achieved and the Plan was duly adopted by Woking Borough Council (WBC) in October 2015. The original purpose of the Forum having been achieved, this modified constitution is designed to govern activities in the post Plan era.
The Forum was set up by the Hook Heath Residents� Association (HHRA) with which it has worked closely over the years. Under the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations (2012) a Forum was needed to create a Neighbourhood Plan, and it continues to have specific rights; in particular, �
A Neighbourhood Forum is a statutory consultee on planning matters as far as WBC is concerned. �
It is the only body entitled to propose changes to the Neighbourhood Plan. �
It is a consultee on the spending of Community Infrastructure Levies (CIL) and monitors amounts available.
The Forum was officially designated on 24 October 2013 for a period of five years; for its work to continue it will be necessary to have the Forum redesignated by WBC for a further five years. In order to reflect the evolving responsibilities of the Neighbourhood Forum, an updated constitution will be included in the submission for redesignation.
The objectives of the Forum shall be:
a) To improve the area known as Hook Heath as edged red on Plan 1 (the Neighbourhood Area) for the benefit of individuals living and working within the Neighbourhood Area and local business organisations;
b) To promote the social, economic and environmental well-being of the Neighbourhood Area;
c) To encourage the goodwill and involvement of the wider community; and
d) To foster community spirit and encourage civic pride.
In furtherance of the objectives, but not otherwise, the Management Committee may exercise the power to:
a) Promote sustainable development, environmental improvement and conservation by educating, encouraging and assisting the local population in environmental practice, working in partnership with similar groups and organisations;
b) Invite and receive contributions and raise funds where appropriate, to finance the work of the Forum, and to open a bank account to manage such funds;
c) Publicise and promote the work of the Forum and organise meetings, training courses, events or seminars etc.;
d) Protect, promote and update (in partnership with the Local Planning Authority) the Neighbourhood Plan for the Neighbourhood Area;
e) Monitor WBC development management policy and its application in the Neighbourhood Area. The Forum will comment on WBC planning documents when appropriate;
f) Comment on planning applications in, or that impact on, the Neighbourhood Area, that in the opinion of members or of the Committee do not comply with the Neighbourhood Plan or WBC Planning Policy Documents;
g) Engage with local Councillors and the Hook Heath Residents' Association to determine how Community Infrastructure Levy money accruing to the community can be spent on community projects;
h) Work with groups of a similar nature and exchange information, advice and knowledge with them, including co-operation with other voluntary bodies, charities, statutory and non-statutory organisations;
i) Employ consultants and volunteers (who shall not be members of the Management Committee) as necessary to conduct activities to meet the objectives;
j) Seek modification of the definition of the Neighbourhood Area covered by the Forum if appropriate; and
k) Take any form of action that is lawful, which is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Forum, including entering into any contracts which it may see fit.
a) Membership of the Forum is open to:
i. Individuals who live in the Neighbourhood Area;
ii. Local businesses and individuals who carry out business or work in the Neighbourhood Area; and
iii. Local representative groups and elected members of Surrey County Council and Woking Borough Council representing all or part of the Neighbourhood Area;
who have an interest in assisting the Forum to achieve its aims and are willing to adhere to the rules of the Forum.
b) The Forum will aim for as wide a representation of communities in the Neighbourhood Area as possible. All members of the Hook Heath Residents' Association are automatically enrolled in the Forum unless they choose to opt out.
c) Associate membership (non-voting) is open to individuals who have a connection to the Neighbourhood Area but are not covered by categories a) i - iii above.
d) Where it is considered that membership would be detrimental to the aims and activities of the Forum, the Management Committee shall have the power to refuse membership, or may terminate or suspend the membership of any member by resolution passed at a meeting.
e) Any member of the Forum may resign his/her membership by providing the Secretary with written notice.
f) The Secretary shall maintain a list of members at all times.
a) The Forum shall be administered by a Management Committee comprising no less than three (3) and no more than eight (8) persons, who must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.
b) Committee members will be elected for a period of up to one year, but may be re-elected at the Forum's annual general meeting (AGM). There is no limit to the number of terms an officer may serve.
c) Management Committee members can appoint officers from within the Management Committee to fill vacancies that arise during the year.
d) The Management Committee will direct and oversee the work of the Forum and will meet at least three (3) times a year for this purpose.
e) Subcommittees or working parties may be appointed by the Management Committee to carry out specific tasks, to consider policies and to advise the Management Committee. Such bodies may be appointed within or outside the membership of the Forum but will be responsible to the Management Committee.
The Forum shall have a committee consisting of:
The Chairman
The Treasurer
The Secretary
and any additional officers the Forum deems necessary to carry out the required activities.
a) The AGM shall take place no later than three (3) months after the end of the financial year. At least fourteen (14) days' notice must be given before the AGM takes place.
b) When required, the Management Committee can decide to call a Special General Meeting (SGM). An SGM shall only take place after at least seven (7) days' notice, unless it is deemed as an emergency.
c) When required, the Management Committee can decide to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). An EGM shall only take place after at least twenty eight (28) days' notice.
d) Three or more Management Committee members must be present in order for a meeting to take place.
e) It shall be the responsibility of the Chairman (or a designated deputy in his/her absence) to chair all meetings, which must be minuted and made available to interested parties on request.
f) All members (except associate members) are entitled to vote at any general meeting. Voting shall be made by a show of hands on a majority basis. When requested, arrangements will be made to enable members unable to attend to appoint a proxy. In the case of a tied vote, the Chairman or an appointed deputy shall make the final decision.
Notices to members will be deemed delivered if sent to the member's last notified email address or, where no email address is given, posted or hand-delivered to the last notified address.
a) The Forum will have the power to raise funds as necessary for its activities, by grant, donation or any other appropriate means. It may apply annually for a grant from the Hook Heath Residents' Association to cover basic operating costs. Any surplus in this grant will be returned on an annual basis.
b) All funds acquired by the Forum, including donations, contributions and bequests, shall be paid into a bank account operated by the Management Committee in the name of the Forum.
c) All funds must be applied to the objectives of the Forum and for no other purpose.
d) Any cheques drawn on the Forum's bank account shall be signed by at least two (2) of the following Management Committee members: Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.
e) The recording of income/expenditure shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer who will be accountable to ensure funds are utilised effectively and that the Forum stays within budget.
f) The Treasurer will also monitor the CIL account for the Neighbourhood Area.
g) Official accounts shall be maintained, and will be examined annually by an independent person with adequate financial expertise who is not a member of the Forum.
h) An annual financial report shall be presented at the AGM. The Forum's accounting year shall run from 01 October to 30 September.
a) Any changes to this constitution must be agreed by a majority vote at an AGM or EGM.
b) Proposed amendments to this constitution must be conveyed to the Secretary in writing. The Secretary and other members of the Management Committee shall then decide on the date of an EGM to discuss such amendments.
The Forum may be dissolved if deemed necessary by its members in a majority vote at the AGM or an EGM. Any assets or remaining funds after debts have been paid shall be returned to their providers or transferred to local charities or similar groups at the discretion of the Management Committee.
Plan 1: Hook Heath Neighbourhood Area
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