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Some events this Summer

Mile Path

The old muddy path is no more. The view below is where the large, deep and almost continuous puddle used to be.

mile path

New footbridge over railway

Great  news. Work is due to start in December to be completed in January. Meeting with more information in October - watch this space.

Wych Hill Lane

The gas pipe in this road is rather old. The current work is to insert a new plastic lining. Fortunately they can do this in sections and so do not have to dig up the whole length. It is now has 4 way traffic lights control the flow.

Concert Guildford Castle

8 September 2 - 4pm - Clarinet Quartet. In the Castle Grounds. Bring your own seats to relax on. Click for further information

Woking Car Show

Sunday 22 September, opens 11am, Woking Town Centre Click for further information

Surrey Half Marathon

8 September, 7.30am - 1pm Click for further information

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